Maintaining a Bright Smile After Professional Teeth Whitening: Tips and Tricks

Having your teeth professionally whitened is a great way to get a brighter, whiter smile. But to ensure that your new smile lasts, it's important to take the right steps to maintain your teeth. In this article, we'll look at some tips and tricks for keeping your teeth white after a professional treatment. The initial 48 hours after your treatment are the most critical.

During this time, you should avoid consuming foods and drinks that cause stains. This includes coffee, tea, wine, and dark-colored foods such as berries and tomato sauce. You should also abstain from smoking, as the tar and nicotine in cigarettes can discolor freshly whitened teeth and even reduce the effectiveness of treatment. Brushing and flossing your teeth right after eating is also essential. This will remove any food particles from your whitened teeth, keeping them clean and healthy.

Drinking more water can also help wash away staining additives. When drinking beverages such as fruit juices or soft drinks, using a straw minimizes the amount of liquid that comes into contact with the surface of the front teeth. Your dentist may suggest that you touch up your teeth with a “homemade” whitening tray that he or she will provide. However, you should wait at least two weeks after professional treatment before doing this. If you are not satisfied with your smile and believe that your confidence would benefit from having a brighter, whiter smile, contact your local dental clinic to find out about their various teeth whitening procedures and options. Most patients will need to schedule professional appointments for teeth whitening touch-ups sometime between six and 12 months.

Take all dental instructions seriously and refrain from consuming dark-colored foods and beverages for the first 48 hours after teeth whitening. Choosing to undergo professional teeth whitening services means that patients will be under the supervision of a dental professional. This is so that the hydrogen peroxide that was used during the procedure has time to fully penetrate and whiten your teeth. According to Healthline, smoking exposes your teeth to both tobacco and nicotine and, as a result, your teeth are likely to get stained and yellow and develop bad breath. If you follow these tips correctly, you can keep your new smile white and bright for years to come.

Remember to brush and floss regularly, avoid consuming foods and drinks that cause stains, use a straw when drinking beverages such as fruit juices or soft drinks, limit your intake of coffee, tea, wine, and dark-colored foods such as berries and tomato sauce, drink more water to wash away staining additives, wait at least two weeks before touching up your teeth with a “homemade” whitening tray provided by your dentist, schedule professional appointments for teeth whitening touch-ups between six and 12 months, take all dental instructions seriously, refrain from consuming dark-colored foods and beverages for the first 48 hours after teeth whitening, stop smoking before the procedure if you continue to smoke, and be aware that smoking can cause extreme stains on the teeth.

Mike Lenkiewicz
Mike Lenkiewicz

Unapologetic food expert. Unapologetic tv ninja. Extreme pop culture scholar. Alcohol fanatic. Devoted food ninja. Total internet geek.