How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth Professionally? A Professional's Guide

Having a bright, white smile is something that many people strive for. But how often should you whiten your teeth professionally? Dentists recommend getting whitening treatment about once a year to maintain your smile's aesthetic appeal.

Bleaching your teeth

too often can cause enamel wear and tear, so it's important to know the frequency of teeth whitening that is right for you. The frequency of whitening sessions will depend on the initial color of your teeth and your diet.

Some people require touch-ups once every few months, while others may need more frequent whitening sessions. People who eat foods with coloring agents and smokers may need to have their teeth whitened more often than others. After achieving the desired shade of whiteness, it is important to maintain the results with an annual treatment and in-home touch-ups in between. Choosing a dental professional to perform in-office teeth whitening procedures is smart, as they know exactly what to do for dental patients who want a whiter, brighter smile. Since many people who want whiter teeth live a busy lifestyle, a common question about in-office teeth whitening procedures is how often they should be performed.

The answer is between six months and two years. It's simply up to each individual patient when it comes to how long they need to undergo additional whitening treatments to keep their teeth white and bright. Technically, when you have your teeth whitened by a professional, it's a permanent procedure. However, your teeth will most likely start to stain again naturally. Bleaching them annually would be a good idea to maintain the pearlescent color you are looking for.

Just be careful how often you bleach yourself, even if your teeth start to look dirty too quickly. Professional whitening more often than twice a year isn't necessary and can dry out your enamel. To prolong the whiteness of his teeth, Dr. recommends avoiding certain beverages such as coffee, tea, black soda, red wine or smoking for the first 48 hours after the whitening process. It is also important to avoid foods such as blueberries or tomato products during this time as they can easily absorb food and drink colorants as easily as they absorbed the peroxide solution used during whitening, which causes an immediate loss of the results obtained. On its own, whitening toothpaste probably won't do much for your teeth.

However, if you use whitening toothpaste with a whitening product, such as home or professional whitening, it can prolong the whiteness of your teeth. Using whitening strips and whitening toothpaste is a good hit for a quick whitening solution. In general terms, it's good practice to return to the dentist for teeth whitening services about once a quarter or once every three months. If you are going to buy several home kits and use them consecutively, it's best to have your teeth whitened by a professional. Regular dental cleanings are also important, and while whitening your teeth may not be a necessity, it's something that can make you fall in love with your smile. If you are constantly trying to get whiter teeth without seeing results, ask your dentist about professional in-office whitening treatment.

Whitening strips combined with the daily use of whitening toothpaste are an affordable alternative for maintaining a bright smile. Professional teeth whitening isn't cheap, but the price will vary depending on where you live and the procedure that was performed. One of the most important things to know about teeth whitening is what actually happens during the procedure. These include peroxide-based whitening gels and strips, as well as whitening toothpaste which contains abrasives that remove some stains from the surface. Even if you follow the manufacturer's instructions well, you might be confused about how often you can whiten your teeth with touch up strips. Regular smoking will cause your teeth to turn yellow and completely nullify the work of the whitening procedure.

Having your teeth whitened by a professional isn't always feasible because of cost restrictions. It can be an hour a day for two weeks straight or overnight for a week or just one hour at the dentist's office with a professional teeth whitening procedure. The patient's gums are covered and therefore protected throughout the in-office whitening procedure making undergoing a professional dentist's procedure safe and effective. In conclusion, dentists recommend getting professional teeth whitening treatment about once a year so that most patients keep their smiles looking aesthetically pleasing. Bleaching your teeth too often can cause certain oral health problems such as enamel wear and tear so it's important to know how often you should be undergoing additional treatments to keep your smile white and bright.

Mike Lenkiewicz
Mike Lenkiewicz

Unapologetic food expert. Unapologetic tv ninja. Extreme pop culture scholar. Alcohol fanatic. Devoted food ninja. Total internet geek.