Can I Whiten My Teeth with Crowns or Veneers? - A Guide for Teeth Whitening

If you have crowns or veneers and are considering teeth whitening, there are a few things to consider. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), bleaching treatments won't affect the color of the crowns, so they will remain the same color as when the dentist placed them in your mouth. However, traditional whitening treatments won't work on porcelain or most bonding materials, making it nearly impossible to whiten veneers, dentures, crowns, or implants once they're in your mouth. If your natural teeth start to turn yellow or become stained, you may want to whiten them to match your brightest crowns. Professional teeth whitening is a popular solution for improving a person's smile.

This can be done in a dental office or from home with custom trays manufactured in a dental laboratory. You can also get regular whitening treatments from your dentist or use over-the-counter whitening gels. It's important to wait two weeks after the whitening treatment before beginning any other dental treatment. This is the only way to ensure that your crowns or veneers match the new shade of your smile perfectly. Brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth after eating and drinking can help prevent bleaching agents from settling on the surface of your teeth. There are many treatment options for smile makeovers, but few offer the instant and dramatic results that teeth whitening can provide.

A person who has crowns can still opt for teeth whitening, but it's important to keep in mind that bleaching won't work on crowns, lids, veneers, or fillings. If you have crowns or veneers and are considering teeth whitening, it's important to understand that bleaching won't affect the color of the crowns. However, traditional whitening treatments won't work on porcelain or most bonding materials. Therefore, it's nearly impossible to whiten veneers, dentures, crowns, or implants once they're in your mouth. Professional teeth whitening is a popular solution for improving a person's smile. This can be done in a dental office or from home with custom trays manufactured in a laboratory.

Brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth after eating and drinking can help prevent bleaching agents from settling on the surface of your teeth. Teeth whitening is an effective way to improve a person's smile and get dramatic results quickly. However, it's important to remember that bleaching won't work on crowns, lids, veneers, or fillings.

Mike Lenkiewicz
Mike Lenkiewicz

Unapologetic food expert. Unapologetic tv ninja. Extreme pop culture scholar. Alcohol fanatic. Devoted food ninja. Total internet geek.