Can I Use Professional Teeth Whitening If I Have Sensitive Teeth?

In the past, dentists didn't usually recommend teeth whitening when a patient already had tooth sensitivity. However, with the introduction of new and improved professional formulas, it is now safer than ever to whiten and brighten your teeth, even if you have sensitive teeth. Professional teeth whitening performed by a dentist may be the best option for people with sensitive teeth. While professional whitening is the most expensive option, it allows the dentist to monitor the process and ensure that your teeth remain safe throughout the treatment.

They can also use gels and desensitizers to help reduce sensitivity while whitening their teeth. In-office whitening is also often the most effective at removing stains and is long-lasting compared to other whitening options. Before starting any teeth whitening treatment, it's essential to address any underlying oral health issues that may cause tooth sensitivity, such as gum disease or tooth decay. Your dentist can also help you find the right professional or home whitening treatment, specifically designed for people with sensitive teeth.

Gels and desensitizers can be used to help reduce sensitivity while teeth are whitened to decrease any possible sensitivity. In-office whitening is also the most effective at removing deep stains and lasts longer than home treatments.

Professional Whitening Treatments

Professional whitening treatments performed by a dentist are often the ideal choice for people with sensitive teeth. At-home teeth whitening treatments are the most cost-effective way to give your boring smile a bright boost. While inexpensive and practical, store-bought teeth whitening kits don't come with custom application trays.

This can allow the solution to seep, create soft tissue discomfort, and increase the risks of tooth sensitivity. As long as your teeth continue to feel the effects of the whitening treatment, for about 24 to 48 hours, you should be careful about what you eat. When choosing between over-the-counter whitening toothpaste, gels, strips, rinses and whitening trays, be sure to read the labels for warnings about sensitivity. Whitening strips and toothpastes are often designed with harsh chemicals that can make teeth and gums hurt.

Tooth Dehydration

There are many whitening products that claim to solve this problem, but if you're not careful, some of them can damage your teeth. As the whitening gel goes through its natural process from active to inactive, the pores of the teeth are opened and exposed, causing tooth dehydration.

Dental Retractor

For in-office whitening, your dentist will insert a dental retractor into your mouth to help expose the teeth that everyone sees when you smile.

Teeth that are heavily stained or damaged may not be able to have a positive reaction to whitening treatments. If your teeth are heavily stained or your dentist determines that your teeth can't handle whitening, veneers may be the next best option.

Whitening Products for Sensitive Teeth

There are many whitening products available to consumers that are specially formulated for people with sensitive teeth. To address this problem, some professional teeth whitening products contain fluoride to strengthen the enamel during the whitening process.

What To Avoid After Whitening

No matter what method you use to get the level of pearlescent whites you like, you should know what to avoid after whitening your teeth. If your dentist recommends that you postpone whitening treatments until your other oral health problems are resolved, be sure to follow their instructions to avoid causing more damage to your teeth or increasing their sensitivity.

Mike Lenkiewicz
Mike Lenkiewicz

Unapologetic food expert. Unapologetic tv ninja. Extreme pop culture scholar. Alcohol fanatic. Devoted food ninja. Total internet geek.